公司法律事務管理的洞察力 ( 作者 : 許翠娟 / 智信管理顧問有限公司 2010年10月初版 )

(How to review and comment on a contract) P.203204

確認審閱正確版本的合約    (Make sure you have the right version of contract)

確認合約正確的重點所在   (Make sure that any redlining is accurate)

從頭到尾仔細閱讀合約   (Read the contract from top to bottom carefully)。

將所有希望修正之條款和修改意見註解做記號   (Mark all of desired changes and comments after review)。

檢查修改內容與自己筆記內容是否一致    (Cross-check old notes/ documents)。

花時間想想有沒有漏掉的審閱重點    (Take time to think about what is missing)。

 在跟外部人員交涉前先告訴公司內部客戶(法律服務需求單位)合約爭點   (Talk with your client about issues before speaking with other side)。

 必要時安排會議釐清爭點      (Where appropriate, schedule a clarification meeting)。

公司法務人員撰擬文件與合約的注意事項(Reminders of drafting an agreement by the corporate legal staff)P.213、214

條款要精準(Accurate, complete and, exact, clear, specific and with brevity.)


→用字要簡單(Balance precision with simplicity)

→避免使用法律專業用語(Avoid jargon)


→句子不要過分冗長(Avoid unnecessarily complex long sentence)


→避免雙重否定的語法(Avoid double negatives)

→清楚明白合約重點與大綱(Understand well the whole design)


→使用核心用語刪除冗字(Use kernel words and eliminate redundancies)



   (Think in advance whether the judge will understand your draft or contract if it were at disputes and to be submitted for local court’s adjudication)



(Confirm with the internal client(s) with respect to terms and conditions of the deal )


→與公司內部客戶開會(Meet with internal client)

   (Check with internal client for agreement(s) signed for the similar deal)

→撰擬本個案合約 (Draft the agreement)


   (Send the draft for internal comments)


(Amend the draft pursuant to the comments of internal clients when necessary)



   (Post it as model agreement, when permitted)


→定期作必要的修正 (Revise the model agreement from time to time)





   (Make sure legal dept. gets the right version for signing by company seals)


(If legal hasn’t had drafting control over the last version, read the version to make sure it reflects all changes accurately)


   (Make sure all internal signoffs have been procured)


→法務部門人員準備用印版本 (Legal dept. prepare a clean version)


→確認當事人雙方用印先後順序 (Decide who is going to sigh first)


→用印蓋騎縫章 (Seal stamping and initial each page)


   (If legal dept. is to sign first, send 2 copies of the signed contracts, include cover letter, include flags for where the counter party needs to sign, include return envelope)


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